Employee Experience Guide – Selection & Retention

Product Overview

Each day, we encounter new pressures at a record pace. The healthcare experience is highly unique compared with other industries. We as trusted sources of caregiving must treat patients in their most vulnerable moments. It is no secret that today’s healthcare environment presents unmatched challenges for us as leaders, staff, providers, and physicians. At the core of our daily efforts to overcome these challenges and to thrive is our workforce—the workforce we count on to deliver excellent quality, service, and experience of care for every person they encounter.

Turnover and retention are some of the most frequently cited areas of concern among healthcare leaders. The ways we ensure we are hiring the right team members, encourage their success during onboarding, and cultivate an environment for retaining our best talent can mean the difference between an average and an excellent organization.

When our team set out to create: Employee Experience - Selection & Retention as a Resource Guide for Leaders, our intent was to provide an action-oriented resource for leaders who are dedicated to hiring and retaining the best employees and physicians.

At the Healthcare Experience Foundation, we recognize more now than ever before, you are working to do more with less and to take care to the next level. We hope this book provides you with the tactics and strategies you need for success.


Employee Experience Guide – Selection & Retention


Sale Price: $17.75 Normal Price: $17.75

An action-oriented resource for leaders who are dedicated to hiring and retaining the best employees and physicians.